Paint app for your iphone

O happy day!!!  O happy day!!!  Check this out!  OMG, I am having a blast playing around with my latest iphone app.  Paint selection just got a little easier thanks to Benjamin Moore.  That right.  You guessed it.  They have actually created an app that helps you select paints from their line to use in your home or next design project.  It’s super easy to use & best of all, wait for it…..  IT’S FREE!!!

There has been a bit of controversy surrounding the accuracy of the helpful paint selection tool.  The arguement is that the colors you see on your iphone screen or computer are not compatible to real life.  Thus, making it nearly impossible to select color correct hues for your project.

I’ve played around with it for a week or so now & I’d have to say that overall I’m really excited about it.  It sure beats flipping thru a paint deck.  I captured photos of a few fabrics with my iphone & then used them in the Benjamin Moore app to help select a few paint options.  I’m already pretty familiar with their line of paints, so choosing from their suggestions was not difficult for me.  Even with the app, I still feel strongly that you should ALWAYS sample at least 3 options.  Paint looks remarkably different in your room than it does on a paint chip, or in today’s technology advanced world ~ an iphone app.  My vote ~ thumbs up!!!

The Benjamin Moore iphone app ben® Color Capture™ is available in the itunes store.