Worth 1,000 Words!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. True.

When I think of creating a new home environment, excitement and joy overcome me. I can’t wait to start dreaming and playing; but that’s me! For others, fear can take the lead. What will it look like? Am I making the right choices? How will the area function and flow? Will it look good? These unanswered questions can paralyze some with worry. Short of a crystal ball or time travel, what can be done?

Fear not! 3-D renderings are here, allowing clients a peek into their new space before furnishings are purchased. I love space planning. It assures that form follows function (Layman’s terms: that the space is going to work). Through the years, designers have moved from T-squares and architectural scales to space planning on computer programs, and now we are able to take those 2D images and translate them to 3D. Gotta love the progress of technology! With this advancement, clients can view their space like they are actually standing in it: 360 views!

To create these images, I can work from plans or from photos and measurements. With these bits of information, a little patience, skill, and a scoop of magic, and the space comes to life. Though the actual pieces might not be the exact image of the furniture being bought, sizes can be adjusted, finishes tweaked, and fixtures added to closely represent the room. It’s called peace of mind.

Are you ready to visualize your dreams? Contact me for a consultation, and let’s start playing!