Five tips to organize your home office from NEAT Method

BY: Lyndsey Morgan, NEAT Method Frisco

As many of us are currently working from home, it is important to make sure our home offices are places we can stay healthy and focused. An organized workspace will help both productivity and quality of work. By putting these tips in place, you’ll be able to focus on the tasks at hand, knowing your space is well arranged and clutter-free. Here are five tips on how to keep your workspace in order.

  1. Clear off your desktop.
    Try to have as clear a desktop as possible. If your desk has limited drawer space, choose beautiful pieces to store items in on your desktop and source modular drawers for below your desk that align with its style.
  2. Categorize your items.
    By sorting your items into categories and storing each category together, you’ll get a clear picture of how much of a given item you have. This will also help you know which categories could be edited down and either parted with or stored elsewhere as back stock.
  3. Divide the space.
    By dividing up the interior of a drawer with individual dividers, you can customize the space for the items you use. Be sure to measure the interior of each drawer to make sure your chosen products will fit. Then arrange them in a way that will fit the space perfectly.
  4. Choose neutral colors.
    For any organizational products you’re using to outfit your space, we recommend neutral colors, like white, black, grey, or clear. They’re easy on the eyes, reduce visual clutter, and blend in with any decor style.
  5. Use labels.
    By labeling where items belong, you (or any of your “coworkers”) will be encouraged you to keep the space NEAT. Labels identify exactly where items should be returned to.